Published by Vaughan Roberts on 25th November 2020

‘The Best & The Worst’ – Stories & Blame

From the Chair – Vaughan S. Roberts In his book The Art of Political Storytelling (Bloomsbury Academic, 2020) Philip Seargeant provides a stimulating analysis of the role stories have in political life. It includes a section headed ‘Strategic Narratives’ (59-64) in which he argues: “The development of storytelling abilities was one of the key factors behind humankind’s…

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Published by Vaughan Roberts on 18th June 2020

Book Review: Uncharted: How to Map the Future Together, by Margaret Heffernan.

Simon & Schuster, 2020 353pp; ISBN 978-1-4711-7978-2 £20.00 Reviewed by Vaughan S. Roberts How do we think about the future? How do we predict the future? What roles do complexity and uncertainty play as we seek to chart directions for individuals, projects and organizations? Margaret Heffernan is an entrepreneur, university lecturer, writer and popular giver…

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