2024 Conference: Power under Pressure

Power Under Pressure – Ecologies of power in the Church

Our annual conference this year will be back at Sarum College from 1pm on the 4th November, finishing at 2pm on the 5th November, followed by our AGM.

We will explore different ways in which power is used in churches and related organizations.

The conference is open to all and will cover some of the different ecologies of power in the Church and how authority and power are used in church contexts.

Conference Programme

Day One – Monday 4th November

12.00–13.00 Arrivals and registration

13.00 Lunch

13.45 Welcome

14.00–15.30 Speaker – Power, Politics, Culture and Toxicity in Organisations. Professor Richard Bolden, Professor of Leadership & Management at the University of the West of England and co-author of Exploring Leadership (OUP 2023)

15.30–16.00 Tea break

16.00–17.00 Speaker – Power in Churches: Practical Experience. The Revd Liz Griffiths, Director of Training, Bridge Builders

17.30 Evensong at the cathedral (for those who wish)

18.30 Dinner with wine

19.15–20.15 Speaker – Occupational Hazards: What Does it Take to Lead an Institution? Professor Martyn Percy, Honorary Fellow at the Universities of Edinburgh, London and Oxford and widely published author Free time with pub trip for those who want.

Day Two – Tuesday 22nd November

7.30-8.15 Morning Prayer and Eucharist at the cathedral (for those who wish)

8.15 Breakfast

9.00 Clearing of rooms

9.15 Speaker Session – Weather Reports: Myths & Mirages in Church Leadership. Professor Martyn Percy

10.30 Coffee

11.00 Plenary Panel — with Martyn Percy and participants

12.00 Reflections and responses – What have we discovered and what do we need do to learn?

13.00 Lunch


28th November, 7pm MODEM Online Book Club discussing the conference and Sean Cathie’s new Grove Book on Clergy Experience of Pastoral Care

Confirmed speakers

The Revd Professor Martyn Percy
Martyn Percy is Provost-Theologian for Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui; Senior Research Fellow at the James Hutton Institute; and Honorary Fellow at the Universities of Edinburgh, London and Oxford. He writes extensively on theology, ministry, forms contemporary culture. His most recent publication was Advent Manifesto (2023).

The Revd Liz Griffiths
Liz has a wide experience in local ministry and since 2017 she has been Director of Bridge Builders, an independent charity focused on creating models of reconciliation for Christian communities.

Professor Richard Bolden
Richard is Professor of Leadership and Management at University of the West of England (UWE) and co-author of Exploring Leadership.

Tickets are available from Sarum College here, with a discount available for MODEM members.