MODEM on a page
A Hub for Leadership, Management and Ministry
MODEM is an ecumenical Christian charity.
We help the church identify, value and make use of the best in organizational thinking and practice and reflect the church’s experience and wisdom back to organizational thinkers and practitioners
We work through:
Conversation in a spirit of inquiry and generosity bringing together research/researchers and practice/practitioners, supported by
An integrated website and newsletter
An annual conference
Events and projects undertaken in partnership with groups with similar aims and values
In order to see
‘Life in all its fullness’ expressed through a healthier church:
Less anxious, more humble, but more confident and purposeful
Ready to listen and learn
Growing in awareness
Characterised by good processes and management
Open to God, to each other, to the world
We see our audience as
Church leaders
Church influencers
Ministers at key stages in formation
Those responsible for ministerial education
Policy makers in the church
The academy – theologians, organizational thinkers and others
Position and Philosophy
- The world is the sphere of God’s creative, saving and gracious activity. While God’s truth is found primarily in scripture, it can also be found in other places – and not only within the church
- The church is a divine creation and a set of human societies. It needs to be understood theologically and sociologically, or organizationally
- Organizational studies is a rich and varied field but not all is either well-founded or helpful: we wish to address those who reject it entirely and those who adopt ideas and techniques uncritically
- The best in organizational thought and practice has a vital role to play in helping the church bear witness effectively in a changing world
The MODEM Brand
A humane and godly take on leadership, management and organization
The go-to place for understanding and help in exploring the resources of organizational studies today
Able to negotiate mess, ambiguity, uncertainty, complexity
Able to hold anxiety