About Us
MODEM’s Mission
MODEM is a national ecumenical Christian network, which encourages authentic dialogue between exponents of leadership, organisation, spirituality and ministry to aid the development of better disciples, community, society and world.
Who we are
MODEM is a membership network made up of individuals and affiliated organisations. We are an organisation in association with CTBI. Day to day business is overseen by a Leadership Committee, elected by members. Members of the Leadership Committee also act as Trustees to oversee MODEM’s charitable status.
What we do
MODEM has an established track record of publishing substantial books in the areas of leadership, management and ministry. We also publish journals for members, covering spirituality at work and the latest news, views and reviews. We run occasional conferences and support regional groups in the UK.
Create, maintain and share a relevant body of knowledge on Christian Leadership
- find or develop a ‘common language’
- help people find out what is happening
- where to find help
- how to learn, develop and grow.
Support and promote understanding of ‘good practice’ and ‘know how’ in Christian Leadership
- tools
- assessment
- skills
- mentoring, coaching and counselling.
Be an open channel of communication for:
- people wanting to help the Church and all Church organisations to be more effective
- people wanting to express their Christian faith at work, home, and in the world at large
- people wanting to understand how God relates to and in the world
- people seeking ‘meaning and purpose’
- interfaith understanding and action.
Build and strengthen communities in society.
MODEM was founded in 1993 as a successor to CORAT, the Christian Organisations Research and Advisory Trust. An exploratory meeting was well attended, with attendees drawn from business schools, business, theological colleges and courses, and churches. There was a clear need for an organisation that could help churches and church organisations become better led and managed.
The term MODEM was originally suggested as an acronym for Managerial and Organisational Disciplines for the Enhancement of Ministry. It was later accepted in its own right, echoing the device for facilitating two-way communication. This two-way process soon led to another acronym looking in the opposite direction: Ministerial and Ontological Disciplines for the Enhancement of Management.
MODEM was formally launched at the Free Church Federal Council’s Council Chamber in June 1993. MODEM’s first chair was Alan Harpham; he was followed by Bryan Pettifer, Malcolm Grundy, Christopher Mayfield, Elizabeth Welch and David Sims. MODEM is a body in association with Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI), and registered as an ecumenical Christian charity.
Since its inception, MODEM has organised meetings and residential conferences, produced four books, commented on papers for church reorganisation, and established local groups. It ran a research project on the Hope of the Manager that was well received.
From 2004 to 2009, MODEM published the magazine, Spirit in Work, with a focus on business.
MODEM’s initial focus was on putting ideas from leadership, management and organisation into the churches. More recently, it has also looked at putting ideas from spirituality, theology and ministry into business.
Registered office: Interchurch House, 35 Lower Marsh, LONDON, SE1 7RL, Charity reg. no.1048772
Contact MODEM via the Contact Us page.