
MODEM maintains links with a number of UK organisations in the fields of leadership, management, ministry and organization. Click on the logos below to find out more.


Sarum College

An ecumenical centre for Christian study and research, based in Salisbury Cathedral Close. Hosts conferences and offers a MA in Christian Approaches to Leadership (validated by the University of WInchester). The College Library hosts the Rudge Archive, closley associated with Modem’s founding..


Susanna Wesley Foundation

Creates and promotes opportunities for research, enquiry and dialogue around questions of management, leadership and organisation in the context of faith communities and religious institutions. The Foundation is based at Roehampton University.


After Sunday

Providing resources for use in small groups, both in church contexts and in daily life. While based in the North East of England, After Sunday’s mission is ultimately for the whole church.



CABE’s purpose is to support Christians leading in the economy. It is Christian and ecumenical, leading and influencing organisational culture through Christian values, and active in the economy – private, public and voluntary sectors.



Christians in Secular Ministry. An association for all Christians who see their secular employment as a primary field of Christian ministry, and for those who would support and encourage that vision.


Faith in Business

A project concerned with relating Christian faith to the world of work, based at Ridley Hall theological college in Cambridge. Publishes Faith in Business Quarterly with ICF.


ICF. Industrial Christian Fellowship

An ecumenical, membership-based organisation that can offer advice and support to individual Christians and businesses. ICF has a long history of supporting Christians in the workplace and developing resources that help churches relate to the world of work.


IMA. Industrial Mission Association

An organisation for lay and ordained people who want to be involved in, or to deepen their understanding of, the relationship between the Christian faith and the economic order.


Transform Work UK

Transform Work UK seeks to inspire Christians to transform their workplace and the nation through working with individuals, workplace and professional groups, and churches.