Published by Jeremy Fagan on 24th October 2020

Book Recommendation

We have been sent a review by Bob Fyffe, General Secretary of CTBI and member of MODEM, of the new book from Richard Fox, another MODEM member. The review is here, and the link to the book on Amazon is here, Blackwells is here, and Waterstones is here.

Published by Vaughan Roberts on 18th June 2020

Book Review: Uncharted: How to Map the Future Together, by Margaret Heffernan.

Simon & Schuster, 2020 353pp; ISBN 978-1-4711-7978-2 £20.00 Reviewed by Vaughan S. Roberts How do we think about the future? How do we predict the future? What roles do complexity and uncertainty play as we seek to chart directions for individuals, projects and organizations? Margaret Heffernan is an entrepreneur, university lecturer, writer and popular giver…

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Published by Jeremy Fagan on 7th October 2019

Book review: Alive at Work: The neuroscience of helping your people love what they do, Daniel M. Cable.

Reviewed by Vaughan S. Roberts Harvard Business Review Press, 2018 203pp; ISBN 978-1- 63369-425-5 £22.00. How do you maintain your zest for work? And for those in leadership positions, an even more challenging question is how to you maintain the zest for work amongst those in your organization? Dan Cable sets out to address these…

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Published by Jeremy Fagan on 7th October 2019

Book Review of Jon Coutts (2019) Church Leadership. SCM Studyguide. London: SCM Press. 184 pp., £19.99.

David Sims There is something refreshing about a book on leadership whose index ranges from Thomas a Kempis to Bart Simpson, but has almost no reference to the massive leadership literature that has developed over the last 50 years. Also alarming. The author is aware of a range of writing from outside the usual Christian…

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Published by Jeremy Fagan on 7th October 2019

Some recent books on leadership

Tim HarleProgramme Leader for Christian Approaches to Leadership and Coordinator for the Centre for Leadership LearningSarum College I have recently updated the reading lists for Sarum College’s MA in Christian Approaches to Leadership, and am happy to take this opportunity to share some newly published books with a wider audience. All books were published in 2019,…

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Published by Rachel Noel on 11th September 2017

The Kingdom at Work Project: A Communal Approach to Mission in the Workplace, by David Clark. Reviewed by Mike Butterworth

This is a weighty book which contains both theoretical and practical advice on what the subtitle says. It would be a daunting task to read through and I agree with the endorsement of London Business School Fellow Peter Challen, that it is a ‘brilliant work-book for the servant-leader who genuinely starts where others are in…

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Published by Rachel Noel on 11th September 2017

Live the Work You Love: Creating Your Business Legacy by Peter Hyson. Reviewed by Michael Lofthouse

When I first started to read this book I questioned was I the right person to undertake its review?  I have always felt secure in who and where I was in my life’s journey.  This self-generated certainty has served me well in over 40 years in senior management roles, but perhaps it was also a…

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Published by Rachel Noel on 11th September 2017

The Minister as Entrepreneur: Leading and growing the Church in an age of rapid change by Michael Volland. Reviewed by Andrew Henley

This short book sets out to explore attitudes towards, opportunities for and constraints facing ordained church leaders who attempt to adopt entrepreneurial strategies towards their work and ministry. The author is a former military chaplain and parish missioner, and currently teaches at an Anglican theological college. The book itself draws heavily on research conducted in…

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Published by Rachel Noel on 15th September 2016

The Stupidity Paradox: The Power and Pitfalls of Functional Stupidity at Work by Mats Alvesson & André Spicer. Reviewed by Vaughan S Roberts

The Stupidity Paradox: The Power and Pitfalls of Functional Stupidity at Work by Mats Alvesson & André Spicer Profile Books, 2016, xii + 276pp, ISBN 978-1-78125-541-4, £9.99. Purchase here Reviewed by Vaughan S Roberts This volume had its genesis in a conversation between the two authors about a student who had done an internship with…

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Published by Rachel Noel on 15th September 2016

Online Mission and Ministry: A theological and practical guide, by Pam Smith. Reviewed by Richard Steel

Online Mission and Ministry: A theological and practical guide, by Pam Smith SPCK, 2015, ix + 130pp, ISBN 978-0-281-07151-7, £9.99. Purchase here Reviewed by Richard Steel A book such as this has been needed for some while, and Pam Smith is a good person to write it. She began going online in the 1990s when…

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