Published by Rachel Noel on 15th September 2016

The Spirit of Project Management, by Judi Neal and Alan Harpham. Reviewed by John Kay

The Spirit of Project Management, by Judi Neal and Alan Harpham.

Gower, 2012, 177 pages, ISBN 978-1-4094-0959-5. £26.50.

Purchase here

Reviewed by John Kay

the-spirit-of-project-managementIn writing this book, the authors remind us of the long-forgotten and vital spiritual component of business life, and how to get a better balance into our management methods – one that will bring greater success to all endeavours whether they are called projects or not. They redress the balance that has been distorted in the industrial age to overemphasise rational, process, and utililitarian management. They remind us that project success comes from a sustainable end state, not just the completion of tasks – and show us how a project that inspires us by touching our spirit is more likely to succeed.

In talking about values, they show us the kind of business environment, and leadership role, that will bring success to the project – and fulfilment to the people who work on it. In giving practical advice, through examples as well as tools and techniques, they help many of us do what we already know we should be doing – they help us step out of the shackles of conventional wisdom. They propose an exciting new future, one where the full potential of people and teams is realised – probably the only way we can deal with the complexity and speed of change of the modern world. This book can help our businesses, and the people in them, to thrive.

John Kay is a Board Member and Consultant, The Guild, The Business of Now (

This review first appeared in MODEM Matters Issue 21 in September 2012.

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