Published by Jeremy Fagan on 12th September 2018

From the Chair: Developing Saints and Developing Heroes

Too many years working in Business Schools have made me wary of discussions about ‘ethics’, which have often either entailed codes that are too boring to remember, or have attracted the attention of those who have big problems with behaving ethically. Of course this is unfair – there have been some pearls of excellent and…

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Published by Jeremy Fagan on 12th September 2018

Peter Rudge: 1927-2017

by Tim Harle, former Vice-Chair of MODEM. On the title page of his 2015 memoir[i], Rudge describes himself as ‘Student, Hitchhiker, Anglican Priest, Management Consultant in Churches, Tax Agent, Book Reviewer, Garden Designer, Sportsman, Scholar, Author’.  Others can speak of his contribution to tax consultancy, garden design and croquet (on which he published several books);…

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Published by Jeremy Fagan on 2nd July 2018

MODEM Matters June 2018

Here is the latest edition of MODEM Matters, and the last one before a redesign of format. IN THIS ISSUE: FROM THE CHAIR | DAVID SIMS David reflects on the use of evidence in church life. MODEM SUBSCRIPTION UPDATE | RACHEL NOEL MODEM goes digital! Modern subscription methods are now available. TRANSITION REFLECTION – MAY…

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Published by Jeremy Fagan on 15th June 2018

MODEM Trustees Away Day

The trustees of MODEM held an ‘Away Day’ in June, which was neither away, nor in fact, a full day. However, it was a chance to spend some time thinking about MODEM, its values and purpose, the unique role that it can play, and the future direction for the charity. Conversation was ably facilitated by MODEM member…

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